Alien Dragon's Baby: Aliens of Renjer - Book 1 Read online

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  “I saw him first,” said the woman from the bar earlier.

  The music shifted to a slow rock ballad and the band leader announced a couple’s dance.

  “C’mon, sugar,” the woman grabbed his hand and tugged, “they're playing our song.”

  All across the dance floor, people swayed to the music. But Kohl didn't move. He inhaled sharply as he turned to her.

  “Thanks, but I owe Isabelle a dance for the most amazing kiss.” He bowed slightly to both her sister and the woman, before holding out his hand to Isabelle. “May I have this dance?”

  She took his hand and he led her out onto the wooden floor. He spun her around making dancing seem effortless. Behind him, she noticed Billy was awake and waving his hands frantically from the bar.

  Abruptly the music stopped and Billy pointed straight at her yelling, “Thief!”

  Her heart dropped into her feet. Kohl cringed, pulling back. Fuck it all! Finally, she meets a great man and he steals.

  Chapter Five

  “Warped turds,” Kohl cursed. He should've left when he had the chance instead of flirting with the human female. She'd intrigued him with her mock bravery and wide brown eyes. And her kiss had been…

  Frack his luck. The humans would catch him with the quasicrystal and lock him up. He had planned to return to leave compensation for the crystal after he took it to his homeworld first. Now he'd taken too much time with the human female, intoxicated by her presence. Her scent alone, a sweet and spicy mix, made him want to inhale her and never stop.

  He couldn't lose the crystal—not now—but he couldn't be found with it either. Two muscle men stepped toward the dance floor. When he glanced over at Isabelle, her arms were crossed and her brow pinched. A black strap hung over her shoulder connected to a small bag. He could hide the crystal there.

  “Let me clear up this misunderstanding, then we'll finish our dance.” He could always get the crystal back from her. He leaned in, giving her a kiss and squeezing her close. Her body stiffened against his, but he slipped the crystal into her purse before pulling away.

  He turned to the approaching men and walked toward Billy who gestured him outside. Behind him, the music started up again, its beat making him want to dance with the female again kissing her until she melted against him. His cock stirred. Why not? He was half human although he hadn’t been attracted to any female on his planet enough to mate with them.

  First thing though, he had to deal with the problem of Billy and his men.

  Outside away from the music, Billy turned and snarled at him, “You broke into my safe...why?”

  “You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” He leaned against a tree.

  “Try me. No better yet give me back my meteorite and pay back the damages to me. Your sleeper hold knocked me out.”

  It was a Renjer submission hold, but it rendered the opponent unconscious for a while. Kohl shrugged.

  One of the men on his left punched him. “The boss wants his rock back.”

  Puny humans. “I don't have it. Maybe he lost it.”

  As if not believing him, the second guy punched Kohl, his face contorted like he used all his strength, hoping for a reaction.

  Yawning, Kohl held out his arms. “Search me if you like! I don't have your meteorite.”

  At Billy's nod, the two men patted Kohl down.

  “He's clean, boss.”

  “What did you do?” Billy poked a finger on his chest. “Think it was gold or something and chuck it? Whoever told you about me gave you bad advice.”

  “Listen, I'm from out of town.” He squared his shoulders.

  “Don’t care. I know you broke open my safe and stole my rock.”

  Fine. “Give me two weeks and I'll return and pay you for your trouble.”

  “I don't like waiting and I never keep a bar tab open past closing.” Billy shook his head. “My boys will collect a pound of flesh for what you stole plus the pain and suffering you caused me. You knocked me out and broke my safe door clean off its hinges.”

  Kohl growled. The stupid human was lucky he didn't devour all three of them.

  Both men looked at Billy who swallowed, but waved them on.

  The first man threw a punch and it hit Kohl in the stomach.

  “Want another turn?” he asked.

  Another fist smashed into his jaw, but Kohl didn't flinch. The second goon kicked him in the balls. A dull ache radiated up his hip. Not bad for a human. It would take a lot more to put a Renjer down.

  “Now it's my turn.” Kohl twisted one of the men's arms, dislocating the guy's shoulder. The second guy charged and Kohl put him in a sleeper hold like he'd done to Billy upstairs.

  “Back off!” Billy waved a metal gun at Kohl.

  “Put the weapon down,” he said as Billy's hand shook. “You have my word. Two weeks and you'll have triple the costs returned to you.”

  “No. You'll disappear with my rock and never return.” He cocked the gun.

  No time for this. He had to get the quasicrystal from the girl’s bag and get back home. The rock was proof for his brothers and father that an expedition to Earth was necessary for more crystals to sway this freaking war and return them to their rightful place as leaders.

  “Give me the gun before it fires.” Kohl let his arm drop away from the guy he was holding. The man hit the dirt with a thud. Kohl stepped forward. The guy with the dislocated shoulder rolled on the ground screaming. A couple pulled up in a vehicle and seeing the four of them, spun out and took off down the road.

  “St-stay right there!” Billy shouted and held the gun with two hands.

  “I've given you a fair offer.” Kohl narrowed his eyes letting a bit of the amber color of his dragon eyes seep forward. “I suggest you take it or there will be consequences.”

  “Shit! What's the matter with your eyes?” Sweat beaded across Billy’s forehead.

  “Please, put the gun down before you make me do something we'll both regret.”

  “I'm calling the cops.” Billy reached into his pocket.

  “No!” He couldn't afford to be apprehended here. His family needed him. If he didn't return in a few days, they'd search for him. Would they think he'd been killed?

  Kohl lunged toward Billy. A bang sounded and a pain burned through Kohl's shoulder.

  “Son of a broken scaled mother!” He had no choice now. Calling up his dragon nature he transformed. His body lengthening, stretching and growing. Fangs breaking through his jaw. Next, his wings burst through his back and his flesh hardened to scales.

  The sound of Men screaming echoed, but he didn't care. The gun fired again and again. Thanks to his thick scales and hide, the bullets bounced off. He charged the men, their eyes widening in disbelief.

  Kohl roared and snatched up Billy as he fled. The human screamed and punched him, but Kohl barely felt the blows. Then Kohl turned sharply, hovering over the air, and grabbed one of the muscular men as he raced back toward the bar. Nope, can’t escape me. His claws caught the guy by the shirt and he hauled him backward. After he secured him, Kohl swooped and picked up the unconscious bodyguard and soared with them through the air.

  Both conscious men beat at his shins and yelled at him. The third man draped over Kohl’s forearms. Kohl smelled the stench of their fear thick in his nostrils. Reaching Dena’s he dumped all three men in the boat, then picked up the small speeder and tore for the coast.

  They would be safe, but out of the way. High enough in the air, no one could hear or see them...thanks to the heavy clouds tonight.

  When they reached the ocean, Kohl plopped them down into the water. They'd live, which was more than his father or brothers would have allowed. But he needed them gone for a few hours. He sliced apart the engine with one talon. Billy cowered in the corner. Both his bodyguards were unconscious and Kohl snorted. Must have fainted from fright.

  Kohl gave Billy a snarled grin while the elder man crossed himself.

  Satisfied it would take them time to paddle to
shore, Kohl flapped his wings and headed inland. He had a wench to find.

  Chapter Six

  Isabelle plopped down at the bar next to, Beth and set her purse down on the counter. “I need another drink.”

  “Already?” Her sister placed a hand on Isabelle’s forehead. “You've had more alcohol than I've ever seen.”

  She pushed her sister's hand away. “I'm fine.” I’m just hung up on a guy who’s a criminal and I don’t even know him.”

  “I would have thought you'd be puking in the bathroom by now.” Her sister passed the shot glass in front of Isabelle.

  “Bottom’s up.” She chugged the drink.

  “How about we split some nachos?” her older sister said. “They'll help with the hangover you're gonna have tomorrow.”

  “Both of you think I can't handle my liquor.” Isabelle fumed, her insides boiling. She snatched up another drink as soon as the bartender filled her glass. She downed it in one gulp.

  The music shifted to an upbeat song and Beth batted her eyes when a cute guy asked her to dance. “Just enjoy yourself, okay?” Beth smiled before taking off to dance.

  “That's the plan.” She should’ve been dancing and getting closer to a foreigner. Damn, why couldn't she stop thinking about him? His accent that made the simplest words sound exotic. Those lips and mouth on hers still sent shivers through her. And his was commanding and nearly overpowering with his six-foot-seven frame. She twirled her finger across the bar, tracing the watermarks from the shot glasses.

  “Finally, food.” Kate settled onto the bar stool beside Isabelle and dragged the heaping plate between them. “I haven't eaten since breakfast. Work has been so hectic with more lawsuits than our firm can handle.”

  Isabelle popped a cheesy chip into her mouth. Her younger sister was still on the dance floor, now with another guy. Envy pulsed through Isabelle. It wasn't like she hadn't dated, she had, but her relationships were years apart. Her last boyfriend, James, had told her lies and half-truths the entire time they were together. He had dozens of girls on the side...coworkers, and clients that he’d met for lunches and hotel romps never breathing a word to Isabelle. After they’d gotten engaged, she'd seen a text message from one of the women pop up on his phone while he was in the shower. She felt sick, but threw him out along with all his stuff.

  So why had she fallen in lust so fast with Mr. Handsome? She should've known better with her track record. No, tonight was about having fun and getting wasted, right? She gobbled up the nachos along with Kate and afterward asked the bartender to put her purse behind the bar, tipping him to do so.

  “I won't be responsible if any of your valuables get lost or stolen.” He slid the purse below.

  Whatever, it was feeling too heavy for her to dance with anyway. She inhaled another shot and swirled around on the barstool before making a beeline for the dance floor. So, what if she didn't score a number or date or dance with anyone yet? It was still a few hours until the bar closed.

  The lights flashed over the wooden floor as Isabelle moved to the music. A beat that pounded into her feet and hips and she swayed side to side. Closing her eyes, she imagined a man dancing before her. Mr. Handsome snuck into her vision and he smiled down at her in that crooked way he had done before in Billy’s apartment when she asked what the thumps she heard were. Guess now she knew it wasn’t Kohl stomping on a roach.

  Her stomach knotted. What if he’d hurt Billy or worse, killed him? Then she’d have the guilt of telling the guy where he was.

  Stop it.

  She was here to enjoy herself, not beat herself up over what might have happened. Besides, Billy nor his bouncers or Kohl had returned so she guessed they were either talking or waiting for the cops to arrive.

  “A gorgeous woman like you should never have to dance alone,” Kohl’s exotic voice tingled through her with the promise of more than just dancing.

  “What?” She opened her eyes and spun. “What happened? Billy said—”

  Kohl covered her lips with a finger. “He was mistaken. We’ve worked everything out and came to an understanding.”

  “But he called you a thief and said you took something.” She pushed against his chest as he encircled her. His hips moving to the rhythm of the music and mesmerizing her.

  “No, everything is fine now.”

  When she crossed her arms and glared at him, he sighed.

  “Look for yourself. Billy and his two guys aren’t here. If they were so upset and I did do something wrong, they would’ve detained me and called the authorities, right?”

  She hesitated. Something felt off, yet she craved his touch even right here on the dance floor surrounded by people. Damn, she was a floozy. “I guess.”

  “Then, don’t worry. Now, I promised you a dance, so may I?” He held out his hands.

  Unable to resist his animal magnetism that drew her in, she slipped into his embrace. He smelled of smoke and sand and a spicy yet sweet scent that she couldn’t identify. A mix of cinnamon and apples and allspice or cloves. Their hips undulated into a rhythm together matching stroke for stroke. His hands roved her body just shy of her sex. He cupped her waist, his fingers just below her bra, but then he trailed his palms down to her hips and around to her ass, but never grabbed it like most men had done when dancing with her.

  They danced to three more songs. Isabelle felt light-headed and so horny she contemplated begging him to stay with her the whole night. First though, she would need another drink to get up the nerve.

  “This may sound odd.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “But may I stay the night with you? I’ll have to leave in the morning, but I can’t seem to walk away from you even though I know I should.”

  She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him deeply. Her tongue skirting across his before he plunged his own inside her mouth. She moaned and reluctantly pulled back when someone grasped her shoulder.

  “Isabelle, are you all right?” Kate asked.

  Good old sister concerned that Isabelle was too drunk to realize what she was doing and would regret this come tomorrow. And she probably would, but for now, she was going to live out her fantasy and actually have a guy sleep with her even though she just met him.

  Isabelle patted her sister’s arm. “I’m fine. Kohl here is gonna see me home.” She wobbled on her feet before straightening. “You and Beth take care and send me texts once you both get home safely.”

  “Will do.” Kate frowned up at Kohl. “Hurt her and I’ll rip your balls out.”

  Instead of paling, he grinned and Kate took a step backward. “If she has any complaints about tonight, I’ll send you my insides in a jar. But I guarantee I will satisfy her like no other.”

  His confidence and words sent Isabelle scrambling for her purse. She strolled out of the bar hand in hand with Kohl to a waiting cab. From his boast with Kate, he must have been with a lot of women. “Do you have…protection?”

  He cocked his head as he held the door open for her and she climbed in. “Always.”

  The cab ride took forever. Not that she minded too much. Kohl kept his hand on her knee, but her sex heated as if he teased her all the way up her leg. His kisses went from soft and sweet to probing and hungry. She wanted more of him.

  Thankfully, the taxi pulled in front of her home and she gave the driver his fare not even minding that Kohl looked at her sheepishly when he said he had no money on him.

  Her house was dark, and she tripped over her rug as she entered.

  Kohl caught her. “Careful.”

  “Thanks.” Her breath stuck in her throat. Would he carry her to the bedroom and make love to her all night? She shivered at the thought.

  “Are you cold?” he asked and set her down on her feet.

  Without waiting for her to turn on the light, he strode inside avoiding the furniture. She’d lived here for years and still banged her knee on the coffee table if she stumbled into the kitchen for a snack at night.

  “I’m fine.�
� She closed the door behind her and leaned against it. I have the sexiest man I’ve ever met standing in my living room! She set her purse down on the floor not trusting her legs to even support her to move another step. Her body trembled with need. If this guy didn’t want to sleep with her, then she needed new batteries on her dildo because she’d never be able to sleep this worked up.

  “Do you want anything to eat or drink?” she asked. The least she could do was be a good hostess before she pounced on him, right?

  He turned toward her, and she couldn’t make out his facial expression, but had the feeling he could see her clearly as if it was the middle of the day and the sunlight was pouring in from her side windows on either side of the door rather than a sliver of moonlight.

  “I have a hunger for you…if you’re okay with that?” he sounded hesitant, unsure.

  Was it a ploy he used on women? At this point, she didn’t care. He was leaving tomorrow anyway, he’d told her that. Tonight, was all they had and he said he had protection.

  Unable to speak, she licked her lips and as if that was his invitation, he was suddenly standing in front of her. His heat warming her body as he pressed her against the door. He kissed her breathless, his hands now roving over her breasts. When she removed her shirt, he stared at her bra a long time before tracing over it lightly with his fingertips. Her nipples pebbled under his attention.

  “This comes off, right?” he asked.

  What a strange question, but she unhooked it and let it fall to the floor. His eyes darkened with desire, and she melted. He brushed a hand across her left breast, and she groaned.

  “I want more.” He dipped his head and took her nipple into his mouth.

  The heat and wetness made her grasp his shoulders as a surge of desire shot to her core. She pressed her thighs on both sides of his leg and gyrated back and forth against him. When he pulled away, she whimpered slightly.

  “Sorry, I’m still not satisfied.” Taking her other breast into his mouth, he palmed the already wet taunt one.