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Taurian Page 4

  “What do you mean, I'm dying? We Renjer live thousands of years.”

  She straightened her back and glanced over at him as he puffed up his chest.

  “I'm not sure.” She moved back from the microscope to let him look.

  Frowning, he peeked, but stood back after a second and shrugged. “Fix me, then.”

  Heal a dragon? She wouldn't even know where to begin. Sure, if he was just a reptile, maybe. But he was human right now and according to him, he'd never been in this form before. The least she could do was let him crash at her place. Where else was he going to go? He had no identification, no money, and didn’t know anyone. She’d hope if she were stuck in some foreign galaxy, someone would let her stay with them. Moreover, she owed him for shooting him too.

  “I'll do what I can, but I don't know if it will help.” She rubbed her eyes and went back to study the slide. “In a few hours, we can take another sample and that might shed more light on what's going on with you.”

  He placed a hand on her shoulder and warmth spread through her. “It's late and you are tired. Get some rest.”

  “What about you?” she asked, leaning back in the chair and stifling a yawn. “I only have a spare twin bed and you're too tall for the couch.”

  “Are you allowing me to stay here with you?” His eyes widened and the silver-blue in his eyes made her breath catch.

  “Sure, of course.” She stood and eased back a step from his closeness. Guess on his planet, personal space wasn't an issue. And dude still had his shirt off. His sculpted muscles rippled as he moved. All she had to do was lift her hand a fraction or lean forward and she’d be touching him. “Besides, I have to protect you again if the demon returns.”

  He laughed and the deep sound made her smile back. It was a relief that he wasn't crazy. What was it like on his home planet? Kohl had told her fragments, but she'd love to visit. Her childhood evenings had been filled watching Star Trek episodes from the stairwell when her parents thought she was in bed. Then later the next day pretending she was the spaceship's doctor with her stuffed animal collection.

  “I know it’s late, but are you hungry?” She felt like she could eat a ton. Must be all the earlier adrenaline. “I can make us some sandwiches.”

  “Sure. Don’t think I’ve never had one before.” His deep voice sent a shiver through her.

  Calm down, Dena. He’s just a guy…well, dragon turned man. A very muscular, handsome and walking sex dream kinda of man.

  He went into the kitchen with her and sat on a stool. His posture rigid, but she didn’t remark on it. No need to make him even more uncomfortable than he already seemed to be in human form. But if he was going to stay that way for a while, she could work with him on getting more at ease with his body so he didn’t stand out so much.

  “Mayo or Mustard?” she asked, pulling both from the fridge.

  He frowned. “Those things? Which do you like?”


  “Then make mine how you like yours.” He shrugged. “I’m used to eating what I can find so I’m sure whatever you make will be digestible.”

  “Oh, thanks for that vote of confidence.” She rolled her eyes. After she smeared mayo on two slices, she covered the two remaining with mustard. She layered the sliced roast beef, cheese, lettuce and tomato on both. “Here ya go.”

  “Why is mine thicker than yours?”

  “Cause you’re bigger than me.” She yanked out two water bottles from the fridge and tossed one at him. Without flinching, he caught it with one hand. Nice reflexes.

  Together they ate their meal and she leaned against the counter as a barrier against him. Her mind filling with too many lustful images of exploring his body and kissing him. She was a doctor, damn it. An animal one and Taurian was an alien…dragon. What did it feel like to fly? To have the power of fire and be the top of the food chain. His kind could’ve devoured humans for dessert in medieval times ‘cause what good would swords and arrows do against their tough, scaled flesh. Kohl, in his dragon form, had been about fifteen feet high and ten feet long. She doubted even her shotgun would have given him any problems in his dragon form.

  “What’s it like on your planet? Is it very different from Earth?”

  “We have rivers, lakes, and oceans like you.” He rubbed his chin in thought. “Mountains and valleys. But we’ve more cave systems running throughout our planet and have two moons. Our sky is purple and we’ve many different types of animals and planets there.” He paused, then added, “And we have a ton more thunderstorms. Daily, in fact.”

  “Sounds so interesting. I used to dream of traveling to other planets and solar systems.”

  “Oh?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “When I was little, I used to sneak onto the stairs and watch through one of the cutouts in the wood while my parents watched Star Trek.”

  At his questioning expression, she laughed.

  “It’s a SciFi television show about a crew who travels through space to boldly go where no man or woman has gone before. Seek out new civilizations and all that.”


  “I’ll show you later sometime.” She went back to her sandwich.

  Taurian finished his sandwich and she quickly made him another. When she handed him the second one, he was nearly half done with it before she sat back down. He placed a hand on his chest and grimaced.

  The reminder she’d shot Taurian filled her with guilt. “Uh, how’s your chest?”

  He glanced down revealing a drop of mustard on his cheek. “Fine. Nearly healed if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Sorry.” She blushed and choked on her next bite. “Sorry I shot you.”

  “Not a problem. You were protecting yourself and your home.”

  When she reached over the counter to wipe his face, he pulled back.

  “You’ve got mustard on you.” Her voice was breathless. What the hell is wrong with me?

  He eased forward, and she brushed off the yellow condiment. Her fingers tingling from the contact. She rubbed her hand against her jeans and hoped he didn’t notice. Otherwise, what would she say? You’re turning me on and we haven’t even kissed and I don’t even know you. What if he had a wife or wives on his planet?

  “Are you married?” she blurted out.


  Did they even have weddings where he came from? “Married. Um…do you have a woman back home? A partner for life?”

  He looked amused as he gave her a crooked smile. “No. I used to visit planets in our galaxy to sate my needs.” Then he sobered, his eyes darkening. “Before the Tryns that is.”

  She inhaled a shaky breath and took a big gulp from her drink. So, he was a player. Just like her ex. She threw away her trash and straightened her shirt.

  Watching her, he took the last bite of his sandwich.

  “Finished? Let me show you to the guest room, but I'll let you pick the small bed or the couch.”

  He followed her down the hallway, her skin prickling at his nearness.

  “Here ya go.” She opened the door a bit too quickly and stumbled forward, but she held onto the doorknob to keep from falling inside. “There's a shower and toilet room if you need it. And a change of clothes in the closet...though they may be tight on you.”

  “You have many male visitors that you keep clothing for them?” he rumbled behind her.

  Her blush heated her cheeks which only infuriated her. She wasn't some innocent teenager, she was a full-grown woman. “Not that it's any of your business, but they belong to my ex.” She pushed against him to get him to move out of her way and stop blocking the damn doorway.

  “Ex? What does that mean?”

  “It means that I had a husband and I am no longer married.” She crossed her arms. Her foot tapped as she waited for him to move aside so she could get past him.

  “On my planet, we just fry them if they won’t leave us alone.”

  Chapter Seven

  The idea of another
man touching her brought rage boiling forth. A tendril of smoke curled from Taurian’s nose. Never mind that he didn’t know her or her ex or that he’d even had sex with her. So why was his body reacting like this?

  “Shit! What was that? Are you going to breathe fire,” she dropped her arms, “how is that even possible?”

  His throat burned, but he swallowed down the scorched feeling. “Happens all the time in my Renjerian form.” So why now? Was his body trying to convert back? He grinned, and she stepped deeper into the room pointing to the door for him to leave.

  “No, no, no. Whatever you are thinking, don't you dare cast fire in my home.” She shook her head. “I already have a broken door and cabinet, not to mention tons of ruined supplies because of yours and the demon's visit. I don't need charcoaled furniture added to the list.”

  He nodded, taking deep breaths and clenching his fist to calm his emotions. Maybe he wasn’t as stuck here on Earth as he'd thought. Or the fire would return before his true form and he'd incinerate himself. Either way, he might as well enjoy the time he had here on Earth. Now was his chance to check out mating with a human without fear of crushing one.

  “Better?” she asked, her dark eyes full of concern.

  He nodded and stepped closer to her, closing the distance between them. Her floral scent mixed with a sharpness of fear had him growling.

  When she licked her lips, he growled low and soft, closing the distance between them.

  He'd never had sex with a human before. They were too small and delicate in his Renjerian body. He touched her cheek and marveled how soft it felt beneath his fingers. When her lips parted, he brushed his thumb across her lower lip. They were pink bows and mesmerizing.

  “What do you think you are doing?” She pulled back.

  “I want to taste you.”

  Instead of melting, like most females did, she crossed her arms. “I don’t think so.”

  “Ever kissed a dragon before?” Maybe she needed a persuasion.

  “You’re not a dragon…at least not right now.” She grinned. “But if you happen to see any actual live dragons, let me know.”

  He pulled her into his arms and leaned down to taste her mouth. Sample her sweetness and delve into her inner depths. What would it feel like to sink himself deep inside her?

  His kiss was light at first, barely touching his lips to hers. She sighed against his mouth, and he pulled her closer. The feel of her breasts pressed up against him made his dick stir in response. That was quick. Usually, Renjerians had to perform a mating ritual of a dance and tail coiling before either sex was ready to mate. He, among his kind, had been the fastest and most skilled at the task. All the females told him so.

  Dena rubbed her tongue against his and grabbed his shoulders. Then she gasped in pain.

  “What is it?” he frowned.

  “Sorry, my hand.” A white bandage crossed her palm. “I cut it the other day and every once in while it aches.” She shrugged. “It’s nothing.”

  “Let me kiss you again and take your mind off the pain.” He nibbled at her lips and her body molded to his. It was as if they fit together perfectly and she matched his kiss with her own passion.

  Nearby a wailing sound echoed, and he pulled back.

  “What type of creature is that?” he asked.

  She swayed on her feet for a moment before answering. “It's a police siren.”

  “Is it injured? The police siren sounds like it is in pain.”

  “Haven't you been to Earth before?” She placed a hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side.

  “Sure. Lots of times. Until they tried to murder us.”

  She flinched. “When was that?”

  “Eons ago.”

  “Okay...tomorrow we are taking you out to experience the modern world. In the meantime,” she pulled out a small blue item from her desk drawer and after typing on it, handed it to him. “Here's a picture of a police car. This is my old phone I used to use for business before I combined my accounts. Thanks for crushing my other one. You owe me a new cellphone. In the meantime, I've pulled up the internet. Just push this button here and say what you want to know about and it'll gather information and websites for you to view. Click on any that interest you.”

  “It's like a reader of the future?”

  “Something like that.” She patted his arm. “Try to stay off the porn sites though, they are loaded with cooties. Other than that, knock yourself out.”

  Taurian frowned at the small device as Dena left the room. He pushed the button she'd shown him. His body still reeling from her not wanting him to mount her. “What is porn?”

  Dozens of images came up showing naked men and women. He sat down heavily on the bed and touched his finger to one of the images. Suddenly there was a human woman and male kissing and fondling each other. The man’s member was engorged and the woman grasped it, stroking it back and forth.

  Taurian’s sex stirred. Never caring how humans mated, he squinted at the screen as the man bent the woman and pushed his sex into her. The woman moaned and gyrated her hips. That was all it took? Then why had Dena left the room so suddenly after he kissed her?

  According to this sex educational video, he and she should've been doing this right now and not sleeping apart.

  Was he repulsive to her? Not possible. Females on eight different planets clamored for his attention in bed. Did she want a commitment from him? He balked. Like that would ever happen.

  Seeing another couple emerge, Taurian stroked his sex like the woman on the device was doing to the man. Soon, he gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to see some other woman, he wanted Dena. He tossed aside the phone and paced. This body was behaving like he had just entered puberty and hadn't ever rutted with a female before. It took several minutes of growling and marching back and forth before his lust ceased pounding through his groin.

  One thing Dena was right about, the porn had cooties. It got under his skin and all he kept thinking about was Dena in the next room and how his kiss hadn't affected her at all. He laid on the small bed and tried to sleep.

  The next morning, Taurian rolled over and fell off the bed. He grunted as he hit the floor. Seconds later, Dena burst through the doorway.

  “What was that? Are you okay?” She leaned down to help him up.

  As if his ego wasn't bruised enough, now she had caught him face-planting on the floor. “Fine. Just doing my morning exercises.” He pushed himself up. “Gotta stay in shape.”

  She half-gawked, half-choked. “You exercise in the nude? No, don't answer that.” She held up a hand. “Get cleaned up and dressed. Breakfast is in twenty and my first patient of the day is at nine.”

  After she dashed out of the room, Taurian frowned. She'd not jumped him. Again. Doubt pressed into his chest. Was he hideous as a human? That could be an explanation on her reaction to him whenever they teased the line past friends.

  It took him five microns to figure out how to work the...what did she call it? Shower. He scrubbed with a bar that smelled like pine and dressed in a pair of shorts that clung to his thighs.

  At the table, she had placed a bowl of steaming eggs, toast, and bacon.

  “Hope this is okay. I didn't know what you liked.”

  I like you. Where had that come from? He was only intrigued by her because of last night that was all. “Smells great.”

  They sat diagonally from each other after she'd scraped food onto both their plates, but he added more to his portion.

  “Hungry?” She grinned.

  “Famished. Got any more of this?” He stuffed a whole piece of bacon in his mouth. Perfect with just enough crunch.

  She laughed. “If you are still hungry after all this, then I'll take you to an early lunch at a buffet before you eat everything here.” Her joking voice made his heart thump in his chest.

  Probably lack substance. He winked. “Even If your cooking fills me up, I'll still take you up on the...buffet thing.”

  She nodded and bit he
r toast. He could wake up like this every day and watch her eat.

  “Oh, I forgot about the coffee. Want some?” She jumped up from the table and went to a machine near the window.

  “Sure. I'll try anything once.” His tone lowered and he smiled as she fumbled with two cups.

  “How is it you've never had coffee?”

  “Was it around in Europe over a thousand years ago?” he asked and finished the heap of eggs on his plate while she poured the dark brown liquid into the cups.

  “Here. Some drink it like it is. I add sugar, others add cream too.” She placed a sugar bowl in front of him, then took out a small carton from the fridge and placed it on the table.

  He blew across the mug, then took a sip. The drink was strong with a slightly bitter taste. It warmed him inside and out. He craved more and finished his coffee in a gulp. “Got any more of this?”

  “Sure, but let's keep it at two cups maximum until we know how you tolerate it, okay?” She poured him another and then placed the empty dishes in the sink.

  “I can do those.” He walked behind her, his arm brushing hers.

  She stepped back, her chest and face flushed. “They um...have dishwashers on your planet?”

  “We don't really have as many as you humans, but I know how to scrub a plate.” Or at least he’d seen human women do it before a long time ago in the rivers.

  “Ah.” She reached beside him and opened a small door that laid flat. “Just stick them in here please after you've washed them. It's a dishwasher and it can sanitize the dishes a lot better than just handwashing.”

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “Gotta go take care of a client. Thanks for doing the dishes.” She smiled and then her gaze shifted to his mouth.

  But when he leaned down for a quick kiss, she tore off down the hall.

  Unbelievable. How could she rebuff his animal magnetism or was it non-existent in this form?

  He fiddled with the silver thing over the sink until water sprayed him. After he dried off with a towel, he soaped up the dishes and after washing them, put them in the contraption. Bubbles filled the sink and spilled over the counter like some massive white foam creature.