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Taurian Page 5
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Page 5
“Dena?” he asked.
When she didn't answer, he traced her steps to the front of the house. There, she was holding a white rat while a huge lizard clung to her shoulder.
Taurian froze in his tracks. His heart swelling with awe and wonder. Human women in the past ran and screamed whenever they saw a rodent. Some even feared lizards and this one was the size of a dog. And yet Dena had both and didn't even faint.
Chapter Eight
Dena handed Charlie the rat back to Chelsea. “Just keep these two separate for now. Gradually, you can move their cages closer together and then completely together with supervision.” Dena scratched the iguana’s chin as it rested on her shoulder. “I'm sorry Sarah tried to eat Charlie, but she has to learn over time that he’s not food.”
The young girl blinked up at her with tears in her eyes. “Do you think Charlie's tail will grow back?”
“Sorry, sweetheart, but no.” She gave Chelsea a hug.
Even before Taurian made a noise, the hairs on the back of her neck and arms stood up. It was as if a huge predator filled the room. The rat squealed and Sarah dug her claws into Dena’s shoulder.
“Who are you?” Chelsea’s eyes widened. “Are you Dr. Dena’s boyfriend?”
Taurian bowed to the seven-year-old. “Not yet, but if you were older, I'd pick you some flowers.”
Chelsea giggled. “I'll be eight in February.”
“I wish I was eight.” Taurian smiled.
The little girl beamed and curtseyed while Charlie squirmed in her hands, its fear making its body pulse with each heartbeat.
Before Dena could suggest Chelsea put Charlie back in his carrier, Taurian stepped back.
“I think your rat wants to go home, little one.” Taurian cocked his head to the side. “Perhaps he is hungry?”
“Yeah, he wouldn't touch his breakfast this morning since Sarah tried to eat him last night.”
“I think that's wise.” Taurian stooped to her level. “Feed Sarah well before you introduce them again. Charlie, too so he doesn't take a chunk out of her for retribution.”
“What's retribution?” she asked.
Dena cleared her throat. “Getting even.”
“Got it.” Chelsea waved bye. “Thanks, Doc. Mom's waiting in the car.”
“I'll help you out.” Dena walked with Chelsea to her mom's car while Taurian stayed inside.
After she put Sarah in her cage in the back, she helped the little girl get Charlie situated in the front seat.
“What do we owe you, Dena?” Chelsea’ mom leaned out the window.
“No charge.” She smiled. “Didn't do anything except a quick exam and offered advice.”
“Thank you.” The rusty station wagon rattled down the road.
“Do you normally give away your services for free?” Taurian asked behind her, and she jumped.
“Sometimes, when I know the family can't afford it.” She tucked her hair behind her ear to keep the wind from blowing it across her face. “I'd rather them spend money taking care of their animals.”
“That's very gracious of you.”
She shrugged. Her ex used to berate her for it. Telling her she was stupid not to charge everyone the full amount. Which is why she had a second mortgage on the house and tons of credit card debt. She needed more money and soon. Too bad the demon from last night got away. She could've used money from a scientist wanting to study it.
“I do what I can for people.” She went back inside, and he trailed in after her.
His musk and spice scent carried inside along with the warm spring sun. It made her knees weak. The guy was a walking sex bomb. His kiss alone had left her breathless. Last night she tossed and turned, imagining all kinds of things they could do with each other. But she'd dated too many men like him. Having her heart broken more times than she cared to remember.
Inside, a thud followed by a metal scraping sounded from her kitchen.
“What’s that noise?” she asked.
“Oh, your washer of dishes wouldn’t shut off and made a mess.”
“And you didn’t come get me?” She skidded to a halt at the gigantic mound of bubbles oozing over the cabinet and onto the floor. Son of a—She shut off the faucet and glared at him.
“I take it this isn’t what it’s supposed to do?” Taurian blinked like he was innocent of any wrongdoing.
“No. The water and soap are supposed to stay inside the sink. Geez how much soap did you use?” The dishwashing liquid bottle was empty. Lovely. She waded through two inch soapy water to the pantry. After she grabbed a bucket and a mop, she handed the former to him. “Here, help me clean up.”
Two hours later, the excess water was removed and her kitchen floor had never been cleaner. Taurian put the bucket and mop away and she went to her office to catch up on emails.
At her vet entrance, Mr. Davis stood with his German shepherd, Butch.
“Come on in,” she called.
“I thought you were with another patient.” Davis nodded to Taurian.
“Um...no, he's a...friend.” Though if he was in his dragon form, she could handle him better and not have her insides twisting with desire. Even put him in a cage if necessary. She smirked at that thought and bent down to Butch’s level. “Now what's this handsome guy's problem?”
“He keeps me up all night howling. Ever since Meissen died. I'm thinking he misses her.”
“You're probably right.” She checked in Butch’s mouth and ears. Then did a full physical on him. “He seems fine. But I bet he’d love a new companion.” She stood and scratched Butch behind the ears. “Why don’t you take him with you to the pound? Let him tell you who he wants to play with?”
“Well, don’t you think he’s getting a bit old for all that?” Mr. Davis asked.
“No. I mean he’s middle age for a dog, but they can still have fun and love and do all the things they used to…just might take a longer nap.” She smiled. And maybe Mr. Davis would meet her friend Maggie who worked at the pound. Dena was pretty sure the two would get along—even if they only stayed friends.
As Mr. Davis and Butch left, Dena felt Taurian’s stare on the back of her neck, but she ignored it to text Maggie to be on the lookout for Butch and Davis. That way her friend would be expecting them, but not that Dena was setting her up.
She smiled to herself at seeing Maggie’s reply of a picture of a chocolate lab who appeared to be a year or two younger than Butch. Looking down while she walked, Dena’s phone and chest collided with a muscled body.
“Is that porn you’re watching?” he asked and the way he said porn sounded both foreign and dirty.
“Ah, no.” She flashed him the picture as she stepped back. “Just an animal at a shelter. I’m hoping Butch will choose her for his playmate or maybe another animal.”
Taurian studied her with his silver-blue gaze and she felt her pulse speed up. Yup, the sooner she could get Taurian home the better. She wasn’t used to having someone in her home for longer than a typical vet visit. Yet, she couldn’t turn him loose in the streets either. This was why she had to say no to strays…otherwise, she’d have a zoo filled with every animal within a fifty-mile radius that needed a home.
“And what about you? Do you need a companion to…play with and such?” His voice dipped low and sent a shiver of desire coursing through her.
“None for me, thanks.” She tapped on her laptop to check her schedule and break eye contact with Taurian. Truth was, she could stare at him all day. To the way his hair spiked up slightly, to his muscles, to his crooked smile with those full lips. “I’ve had my fill of playdates.”
He snorted, and she opened her calendar. No more appointments until after lunch. She checked her watch. It was ten a.m. now, so maybe she could squeeze in an appointment with Jazmine who worked in a medical research lab. Jaz would keep it quiet and she owed Dena for saving her cat’s life when he got his tail caught in a car’s engine last winter. Her friend might be able to help Dena figure out wh
at was going on with Taurian and how to change him back. Afterward, they could grab a late lunch and be back in time for her two o’clock appointment.
Over her shoulder, Taurian whispered, “Aren’t you curious what games dragons like to play?”
His sudden nearness made her jump, banging the top of her head under his chin.
“Sorry.” She spun a little too fast and wobbled, falling backward onto her desk.
Taurian reached out and stopped her fall, but now his groin was pressed up against her sex and her legs were on either side of his thighs. Not good. So not good.
“Thanks, but you’re too close.” She pushed against him, but he didn’t move.
“I can’t stop thinking about our kiss last night. That’s what you humans call it, correct? I’ve seen it done before in the past, but never been able to do it with a human before now.”
Her insides melted. She couldn’t stop dwelling on their kiss either. All last night, her lips felt hot where his mouth had been. Not unpleasant, just there as if he’d seared her…claimed her and she couldn’t get him out of her mind. Instead of giving into her lust crawling into her belly, she scooted to the side, knocking him back a step. “We’ve got work to do. First, another blood sample, then we’re going to get your blood checked with an expert and see—”
He snatched her hand, and she paused. “No need to meet with anyone else. You’re my doctor and I trust you’ll find a way to help me.”
“Sure.” Was all she could say because a wave of warmth spread from where he touched her to her entire body and mind and soul? He was depending on her to figure out how to transform him back into a dragon. Why? He didn’t even know her. The amount of trust he was putting in her to fix him swayed her. But what if she couldn’t? What if he was stuck in his human form and on Earth forever? She shoved aside her worries, knowing that they never changed anything. So he didn’t want to meet Jaz. Okay. What else could she do? She might be able to analyze his blood on her own. It was worth a try. Then maybe she could show him that they needed to have an expert look. If he still refused, she could at least ask Jaz for advice…hypothetically.
She pulled her hand from his and shuddered from the loss of contact. Did he have that much faith in her? “All right, let’s get another sample of your blood and see what changed.”
His head swiveled to her back door and scowled.
“What is it?” she asked, her stomach lurching into her throat.
“Do you hear that?” He paused at the door. “Stay here.” Before she took a breath, he was out the door, it slammed shut behind him.
No, I will not stay behind. Not on your life.
Chapter Nine
Taurian cursed as he opened Dena’s back door and shut it behind him. Damn woman didn't know when to stay put for her own safety. A low pitched howl had vibrated in the air near her home. Even in his human form, he'd been able to hear it. There were woods to the right. Was his enemy hiding there? Feasting on one of Earth’s creatures to lure out Dena so it could attack her? Taurian jogged down a dirt path to find the source of the noise.
After two turns, he stopped. A dog-like creature had a leg stuck in a trap.
“Easy there.” He kept his voice level with enough volume to be heard, but not loud enough to startle the animal. “I'll get you out of there in a nanosecond.”
“Careful,” Dena whispered near him. “That's a coyote and it might bite out of terror and pain. Let me call a wildlife expert to help.”
But the coyote was attempting to escape and had chewed on its leg making a puddle of blood underneath it. The animal needed out of this metal contraption now.
Taurian pressed down on both sides of the trap. The metal groaned and snapped. At no urging, the coyote slung its foot out. But when it tried to stand, the creature crumpled.
“Its injury is severe and probably needs surgery.” Dena frowned and scooted closer.
The coyote snapped its teeth in her direction.
“No, take it easy little one.” Taurian reached out and stroked the coyote’s side. It trembled beneath his touch. “She's a doctor...an animal one and can help you.”
“We need to get it inside. Let me grab some anesthesia so it’ll be out of it when we move him.”
“She might bolt or try to if you leave. Best if I carry her and go with you.” He kept his hand on the coyote’s flank as comfort to the animal.
“No.” Dena shook her head. “This is a wild animal. It might bite you if you bump the injury or something.”
“If she bites me, she knows I'll bite her back.” He winked and chuckled when Dena blanched.
As Dena stared at him with dread in her dark eyes, he gently scooped up the coyote. Her bleeding leg was mangled. He didn't know how Dena would repair it with the backward technology humans had.
He followed Dena back to the house and laid the animal on the table she indicated. But the coyote shivered and tried to stand and leap off.
“Shhh, luv,” Taurian whispered to the animal and placed his hand on its head. “Dena will fix you up, I promise.”
Dena tapped a cylinder then met his gaze. “Hold him, he might fight when the needle sticks him.”
With a nod, he placed both hands on the coyote. One on her head to keep her from reaching around to bite Dena and the other on her torso to keep her still.
When the needle pierced the coyote, it scrambled to find purchase on the metal table. The coyote whimpered as Dena pushed the vial and the liquid medicine disappeared into the animal. Soon its breathing slowed and its eyes rolled up. He stroked the fur another moment while Dena scrubbed her hands then put tight gloves on.
She lifted the coyote’s injured leg then grabbed a bottle and a pile of small white squares. “How did you know it was a she without looking?”
“Her scent. I smelled that she was female.”
“Really?” She dabbed at the wound. “Like a bear can?”
He shrugged. “I probably smell better than any of your Earth creatures.”
“And have a bigger ego than anyone I’ve met.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment. A dragon is bigger and better than anything else.”
“Here, throw these in the trash, please.” She scrapped the blood-soaked clothes toward him. “I’ve cleaned her injury and might be able to fix her up with stitches and a metal stent where she can’t bite at the wound. But it will still be weeks before she can walk properly.”
“Fix her up, Doc.” Taurian winked. “She’ll be running in no time.”
For the next two hours, Dena repaired the damage as best she could, including stitching up the coyote’s leg. Then she strapped a metal frame around the injury. “There. Now she just needs rest and time.” Dena rolled her shoulders back. I’m going to go get cleaned up, then we’ll go grab some pizza.”
“Pizza?” The foreign word was strange on his lips.
“Holy Cow! You’ve never had pizza?” She wrapped her surgical items and soaked them in the sink. “Okay, we’re having a buffet and then ice cream afterward. My treat.”
“Buffet? I thought you said we were having this pizza.”
“Yup. An all-you-can-eat pizza buffet. I’ll be back in ten.” She glanced down at him. “Um…you might want to get cleaned up too. You’ve got her blood all over you.” Dena opened a metal cage. “Help me get her in here, when she wakes in a few hours, she’ll be safe and unable to injure herself. I’ll leave water for her too.”
After they had the coyote secure, Taurian showered and dressed. When Dena walked from the backroom thirty minutes later, he whistled. She had her dark hair up out of her face. Her clothes were tight and showed off her curves.
“Maybe we can just stay here and peel those garments off you.” He grinned. “They look like they’re too constrictive.”
“No way.” She shook her head, but there was a pink blush on her cheeks. “We’re going out to eat.”
“So the touching—”
“Only with my permission.” She grabbed a
small white bag then headed outside. “Come on, I’ll drive you.”
“Where are your horses?”
She laughed and opened a metal door on a small machine. “God, I wish I could know the past like you do. Someday though, I’d like to see your world.”
“That can be arranged.” He hauled her closer to him. Her spike of adrenaline and arousal had him cursing under his breath. Why wouldn’t she give in to the desire he knew she felt?
“Oh?” Her breathless voice undid him, and he lowered his mouth to hers.
At first, her body tensed, then she coiled her fingers through his hair. He pressed his body closer to hers as their kiss spun from sparking cinders to an inferno. His hands roved her body and she moaned against his mouth when he brushed the underside of her breast with his thumbs.
A honk sounded behind him, and Taurian spun, ready for battle.
Two young boys drove past in a metal contraption and hooted and hollered. Taurian shook his head. Males…guess they were the same on every planet during puberty. When he turned back to Dena, she was sitting inside her metal device and was swinging the door closed.
“You okay?” If the boys had offended her, he’d hunt them down and make them apologize.
“Fine. Get in, I’m starving.” Her lips were swollen from his kiss. So why did she go from heat to cool in seconds?
He walked around to the other side of the metal box and after fiddling with the outside, the door clicked open. Copying her movements from earlier, he sat, filling up the space. His head brushed against the top and his legs were folded up below him.
“Here. Seatbelts are always needed in a car.”
Car. “Like a cart?”
“Something like that.” She pulled a belt from the door and fastened it around him.
The scent of her soap and shampoo like apples made him want to kiss her again. But he’d give her time. She would want him like all the other females he’d been around had.